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A-Level Chemistry OCR Notes

3.1.2 Group 2

Group 2
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Group 2, Alkaline Earth Metals
  • All Group 2 elements have 2 electrons in their outer s-subshell.
  • Down the group ionisation energy decreases, as the atomic radius and shielding increases, decreasing the attraction of the electron to the nucleus
  • Melting point also decrease down the group due to the increased atomic radii and shielding, so metallic bonding is weaker
  • Group 2 elements undergo redox reactions:
    • with water to form hydroxides and hydrogen gas:
Mg (s) + 2H2O(l) Mg(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g)
0 +1 +2 0
  • With oxygen to form oxides:
Mg (s) + O2 (g) MgO (s)
0 0 +2 -2
  • with dilute acids to form salts:
Mg (s) + HCl(aq) MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)
0 +1 +2 0
  • The reactions involve the loss of electrons to form 2+ ions, which requires the input of the first two ionisation energies
  • First and second ionisation energy values decrease down group 2 because of increase in atomic radius, increase in shielding, and hence a decrease in attraction between the nucleus and outer electron
  • As ionisation becomes easier, reactivity increases, therefore reactivity increases down group 2
Group 2 Element
Group 2 Hydroxide
Solubility of Hydroxide
Slightly soluble
Sparingly soluble
More soluble than Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2
Most soluble
  • Magnesium hydroxide is used in indigestion tablets to neutralise stomach acid
  • Calcium hydroxide is used in increase the pH of acidic soils

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