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A-Level Biology AQA Notes

3.5.4 Nutrient cycles

Nutrient cycles
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Nutrient Cycles
  • There is a finite supply of nutrients on Earth, which are recycled within natural ecosystems.
  • ​The Nitrogen cycle:
  • The Phosphorus cycle:

​Microorganisms in Nutrient Cycles
  • Microorganism play a vital role in nutrient cycles
​Certain types of fungi associate with roots of plants to increase the surface area for absorption of water and mineral ions, including phosphate ions.
​Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
​In the soil, they reduce nitrogen gas to ammonia.
​Mutualistic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria
​Use nitrogen gas to produce amino acids
​Saprobiontic organisms
Break down dead organism to release phosphate, ammonia or ammonium compounds
​Nitrifying bacteria
​Free living in soil, oxidise ammonium ions into nitrites and nitrites into nitrates
​Anaerobic denitrifying bacteria
​Use nitrates in respiration to produce nitrogen gas

​The Use of Fertilisers
  • Fertilisers can be used to provide plants with minerals, particularly nitrates, to support their growth
  • In agriculture systems, the harvesting of crops prevents the reintroduction of minerals to the soil
  • Natural ferilisers consist of dead and decaying remains of plants, animals and their waste
  • Artificial fertilisers are mined from rocks before being converted into different forms with their composition tailored for specific crops.
Effects of using fertilisers
​Reduced species diversity
​Nitrogen-rich soils favour rapidly growing species
​Leaching (pollutes waterways)
Rainwater dissolves soluble nutrients (e.g. nitrates) and carries them deep into the soil and into waterways such as streams, rivers and lakes.
Nitrate levels increase in rivers and lakes due to leaching. The increased plant growth blocks light reaching the water underneath the surface, killing plants at a lower depth. The population of saprobiontic bacteria increase, respiring and reducing oxygen levels, killing other aerobic organisms like fish.
  • Europhication

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Nutrient cycles
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